Recruitment Tech Stockholm

Recruitment Tech

Recruitment Tech Stockholm is an area within recruitment that has change rapidly the last 10 years. Ants Tech Recruiters are specialized within this field.

Ensuring a genuine and personal candidate experience with many good candidates in the recruitment process is the most important cornerstone in successful tech recruitment.

The ability to attract and engage the right candidates is the most common reason why customers choose to start working with Ants in Stockholm, other areas in Sweden and on an international level.

Tech Recruitment in Stockholm is a story of shortage of tech people

Digitization has in Stockholm as well as most of the world led to a shortage of developers and programmers and others needed to implement it. Thus, a prerequisite for successful growth in tech is to successfully attract skills in competition with many other companies.

Tech Recruitment has developed into a core strategy in the entire tech sector and a specialization in precisely the challenges that the recruitment of tech people leads to is in demand.

Recruitment Tech is Ants Tech Recruiters

Ants has for many years specialized in recruitment in tech and specifically roles that are difficult to recruit. This has led us to develop models for how to create strong candidate flows, even in cases where competition for candidates is fierce. Getting many good candidates into the recruitment process is one of the basic factors for successful recruitment.

Success factors in Tech Recruitment

What are the success factors when the goal is to attract good applications to a particular tech role?

Overall, it is important to understand how the target group of developers, programmers and other tech people think when evaluating potential jobs.

It’s all about the tech

High on the list of factors that attract is just to work with the right technology and develop in exciting and relevant technologies. But it’s not just about technology as such. The application in the form of products, services and use is also important.

A developer wants to feel that you are a part of what is created and that the code is used and appreciated, often by as many people as possible. Stockholm has since many years been at the forefront of the technical development. Thereby there are many companies who rank hi within the tech community.

Agile methods, leadership, organization and culture

Another important area is how the work is organized in the tech department. The collaboration between developers and how the development is coordinated with stakeholders etc. is important. How is the management structured and how do you organize around your developement? Here, culture also comes into the picture. Many programmers and other people active in tech have experienced the frustration when the working method does not flow correctly. Thus, you often apply to organizations where you feel secure about working methods, managerial structure and culture.

How to create candidate experience for tech people?

The candidate experience should be adapted to these conditions. This means that everyone involved in a recruitment of a specific role should work very closely and also in accordiance to agile principles.

In this way, a common thread is created about how the employer’s technology and working methods are described. The right candidates see reason to get involved and negative surprises are avoided through the recruitment process and into the employment.

Ensuring consensus and accurate expectations is not just a prerequisite for recruiting in tech. It is also one of the cornerstones for increasing the likelihood that the developers and technicians you recruit will be long-term employees.

Tech Recruitment is Talent Acquisition

Developments in Tech Recruitment have gone hand in hand with the more general development in Talent Acquisition. The more companies and organizations understand that the battle is over talent and about succeeding in hiring successfully, the issue has become one of the biggest strategic challenges handled at all levels.

Boards today are just as relevant in ensuring the right organization as they are in marketing strategies. The logic is that with the right employees, the right products and services are created, and thus also revenue and profitability.

Talent Acquisition is like Sales and Marketing

Tech Talent Acquisition is about building successful tech companies or tech departments. A large part of the methodology is strongly related to marketing and sales.

A successful employer benefits from a strong brand in the target group you are looking to recruit. An alternative to this is to build strong personal relationships between recruiting people and candidates in the recruitment processes. This is usually done through outreach work.

Especially when roles in tech that are difficult to fill are to be recruited, it is almost a prerequisite that an outreach research work takes place. Often there are different types of in-house Talent Acuisition people who do this but it can also be done successfully with the help of consultants.

Ants compete in Tech Talent Acuisition

Since many years Ants Tech Recruiters have competed on an national and international level in the world of Tech Talent Acuistion. For us this has been a way to develop our skills countinuously develop our knowledge within the field.

Read more about Ants IT-recruitment: IT-rekrytering (in Swedish)

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